Here's Tanuki's animated idle (which will probably won't be used) for a mod for Your Only Move Is HUSTLE that I've been slowly starting to build... sprite-wise anyway. :P
Tanuki's playstyle is a tricky one: She's a fast fighter who can mimic the moves of other Hustlers like Cowboy or Ninja, but only if she has the Nise Leaves necessary. She can also plant seed bombs and throw sharp leaves like kunai or shurikens and use a move called Fakeout, a counter that's basically Cowboy's Instant Teleport mixed with Ninja's Summon special.
To regain Nise Leaves, I was thinking about two things:
- HUSTLE to only regain 2 Nise Leaves if the entire animation is played.
- Use a super that can fully restock your NIse Leaf gauge (uses 6 Super meters and takes 20 frames to activate, so it's pretty risky.)
Any questions and constructive criticism is welcome!